Oral Routine Checkup

What can you expect in a routine oral checkup?

Once you schedule an appointment or walk-in for a routine checkup, you can rest assured that a thorough evaluation would be conducted in the least stressful and pain-free manner. 

The procedure for a checkup would start with you talking as we LISTEN; since nothing is more important than your past medical and dental history. An oral examination with diagnostic instruments would follow this and if need be, supplemental X-Rays (we have equipped the clinic with OPG and digitally scanned X-Rays to optimize convenience for you).

Best Dental Clinic in Vadodara, India

Once we reach a diagnosis, we would sit down with you and explain the same to you in as much detail as you need. 

What follows is the discussion of the treatment plan. We would first recommend the best-suited treatment for your condition, followed by the available options. (We understand the financial implications involved, and would thus discuss all the options so that we can provide the best treatment keeping affordability in mind.)

Why should you get a routine checkup done?

When you visit us for a checkup, we do an extremely thorough search for the smallest possible condition. Often when caught early, the problem can be solved with minimum intervention, which in turn saves you valuable time and money. Prevention is truly better than cure. 

What do we look out for during a routine checkup?

  • Decay in your teeth (dental caries), condition of already present fillings/restoration. 
  • Health of your gums; signs of bleeding or inflammation.
  • Signs of wear of the tooth surfaces due to increased forces (abrasion), due to clenching (attrition), due to fizzy/ acidic drinks (erosion).
  • Sensitivity or pain in any tooth.
  • Alignment of the jaws or alignment of the teeth.
  • Any signs of active or passive infections, swelling or abnormality. 
  • Signs of dry mouth (xerostomia).
  • Visual inspection of the tongue, cheeks, and mucosa for early signs of cancer. Oral cancer, when diagnosed early, leads to an increased survival outcome. 

How often should you get a routine checkup done?

If you have not visited us already, we hope you are convinced to come down by now!

If you have visited us, based on our evaluation, we would inform you about your next visit ourselves. (either once in 6 months or once in a year)

We believe our success lies in reducing your number of visits to the clinic, leaving you pain-free with a healthy smile!